Lilly has taken lessons from Erin and we are very happy with what we have seen so far. Our daughter is 10 and has a chromosome abnormality and autism. She has low muscle tone and was/is very delayed in all gross motor skills. She can walk independently short distances, but has balance issues and prefers to crawl when navigating her home because, I feel, she doesn’t feel safe walking.

After a few lessons, she has started walking around the house from room to room without prompting and with more confidence. She no longer sits in the floor to play, but now wants to climb onto couches and chairs to play with her toys. These are all things she could do before with A LOT of prompting and holding her hand, but now it’s all driven by HER.

I’m still trying to wrap my brain around ABM, but what we have seen so far, we love!

Sidenote….Erin is very gentle, patient and kind with the kids and Lilly enjoys every minute of her session!

Category: Testimonials

Move Your Brain